Monday, February 28, 2011

How gps relates to Brave New World

The article kids who skip school are tracked by gps has a lot in common with the book Brave New World. The Anaheim Union High School District are treating kids like lab rats; trying to figure out what is going to keep the students from skipping school. I understand this may help; but you shouldn't use it on kids with 4 unexcused absences. Maybe the students have good reasons to why there skipping school. They can possibly be taking care of a little sibling that is sick and there parents are at work. Maybe that student had to go to a funeral. Maybe the student missed the school bus. Maybe the student just got to school late for the first time. The school district is being to strict and to me this is just to much. 
The students are required to check in with there gps system 5 times a day. Are you kidding me? Why would you have the student check in at 8:00pm? You're just invading there privacy, but no it goes further someone calls you 3 times a week to see how your doing? Excuse me since when did they become there parents? Now i understand they are trying to keep students in school and thats fine. 
This new project that they are testing out should be used on students that have had 8 or more unexcused absences. Why would you punish kids that are coming to school and only have a few absences? The article says that the school is is losing money for every absence they have and the program itself pays that money back. Sounds like the Anaheim Union High School District is using this for there own profit. This is like a business to the school district. Why are they promoting a business? Whens there supposed to be promoting a school which is for educating students not making money. I just thought I let you know how i felt on this whole issue.
Now you ask how does the book Brave New World compare to this article? The Anaheim Union High School District are controlling the students. It's like big brother is watching them. Why do you care where the students are at at 8:00pm? Honestly, its none of your business. I just believe there over doing this gps thing. The district is being to pushy and if this is not well liked, there will be a revolt and the ending won't look pretty.

1 comment:

  1. I do not believe this is your work. You need to type your own work. Jeez leewiz. I am proud of your background though. I just went to CD Tradepost and bought three Dragonball Z movies. :D
